(updates with meeting of President Raúl Castro and Chan)

Havana, 30 mar ( EFE).-the Director general of the who, china Margaret Chan, said today in Cuba, the Island faces the challenges of population ageing, the increase in diseases such as cancer, and maintaining a health care system that is sustainable and quality.

“to go ahead with your system, (Cuba) must do so sustainable, meet the expectations of the population and make it effective and good quality”, said Chan at a press conference in Havana.

The leader of the World Health Organization (who) today commended the comprehensive and humane approach to the Cuban health system, as well as the “commitment” of the authorities of the country with the health of the people since the revolution of 1959.

Warned that, like many other countries, the island faces challenges such as ageing of the population and an increase in the incidence of heart conditions, cancer and diabetes.

Chan arrived in Cuba on Monday for a meeting of the Group of the who global policies in Havana, where today was greeted by President Raúl Castro, who spoke of various projects of cooperation, according to a report by State television.

This Friday Chan signed with the Cuban health Minister, Roberto Morales, a document with the working arrangements for the next four years between who, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and Cuba.

At the same ceremony, was signed a protocol of intentions between PAHO and the Inter-American Centre of studies of Social Security to form a University Consortium in public health and aging for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Is expected that the Consortium involves academic institutions and services in several countries of the region, such as Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Costa Rica.

As part of the cooperation between who and Cuba, Chan today stressed the importance of work with regard to the transfer of technology and knowledge, so that other countries within and outside the region can produce generic high-quality and accessible drugs.

Addition, talked to who worked for years on several projects with Cuba, many of them in the biotechnology sector.

The directive also participated in the National Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology, held this week in the Cuban capital.EFE
