is to institutionalize the day of grandparents ”?.

Spain, 2011-July the Association golden age – messengers of peace, is working for 12 years to institutionalize the holding of the of grandparents day ”, the 26 July, feast of San Joaquin and Sana Ana – grandparents of Jesus-both Spain and the rest of the world.

Lina Morgan, waving from stage

believe equally that there is the day of the father ” or on the day of the mother ”, would be necessary to establish the grandparents day ”:

-a day of appreciation for their support steady, quiet and sometimes little appreciated;

-a day for the recognition of their important role in society;

– a day to draw attention to the social, medical and emotional needs of grandparents;

-a day to celebrate it with affection and admiration in all areas, both the family and the public.

Celebrate the day of the grandparents, it is more than a duty of gratitude, it is an act of love, a return of tenderness and above all, an action for recognition respectful and happy, at least for one day to return to be protagonists.

-Respect and affection towards our elders are values which must promote in our society.

-our grandparents are reference point of our first acts of our first steps, our first games, from our first disobediences, of our early joys, of our first punishment, our first birthday, and many, many feelings.

Father Angel with grandmother and grandchildren

parents, increasingly entrusted to grandparents caring for children. Many times make the functions of parents with all the love and dedication, to go to educate their grandchildren with the tenderness that discover life without trauma, without complexes, helping them with everything they can, improving including education given to their own children.