on May 4 World Asthma day. ’You can control your asthma’.
Spain, April 2010.- the next day 4 will be held the world asthma day, under the auspices of the World Health Organization. Asthma affects two and a half million people in Spain, being more frequent in children (12 per cent of children have asthma) in adults (5%). Asthma is the leading cause of school absenteeism, and the fourth in absenteeism, growing year by year its incidence.
The spring increases asthma cases since 85% of asthma sufferers are allergic to pollen. Even when the rains of this past week have slowed the pollination, are the forecasts of the Spanish society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology that this spring will be especially intense for people suffering from allergies, with some pollination that exceed the 5100 gr radioactivity during the months of May and June.
In order to raise awareness about this disease, the World Asthma Day held since 1998 the first Tuesday of every may, and the theme for 2010 will be the same as for the 2008-2009: “You can control your asthma”. Activities in more than 50 countries around the world. For this occasion, Fenaer (National Federation of associations of lung disease), with its affiliated asthma Madrid, Alerja (Jaén), Alerma (Málaga), Respira tranquility (Salamanca) and open air (Granada), have organized informational tables where materials and brochures on highlights of each of the cities will be:
air free C.C. NeptuneGranada.
Huelma Health Center Alerja – Huelma, Jaén.
Alerma C.C. Vialia – Málaga.
Asmamadrid Hospital Infanta Leonor – Vallecas, Madrid.
Breathes tranquillity C.C. Vialia – Salamanca.
In addition there will be a drawing competition for children, who will be rewarded with products of www.sinalergia.com .
in parallel will be held a drawing competition for children:
contest of drawing of World Asthma Day
the contest are:
Subject: spring ”.
Participants: children aged between 6 and 12 years.
Format: folio Din A4.
Technique: free.
The delivery of the participating drawings must be in the tables installed the World Asthma Day (May 4), or by e-mail to info@sinalergia.com . In each table award drawings by categories:
the most beautiful
the most original
the best message
to 19 hours of 4 may there will be a delivery of products of www.sinalergia.com and www.elbebe.com the three winners of each city. In Jaén this awards ceremony will be held on May 10.
Of all the award-winning designs, one will be chosen to be the image of the posters which will be distributed in schools, awareness-raising campaigns, consultations of Paediatrics and other places of interest.